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Wolfgang Wildgen


University of Bremen, FB 10

Curriculum Vitae (2024)
01.01.1944: Born in Fürth (Bavaria); 1970: Graduated in German and French Philology (University of Regensburg). 1976: Ph. D. (Dr. Phil.) in General Linguistics and German Linguistics (University of Regensburg (Scientific award in the context of the Ostbayrischer Kulturpreis). Scientific employee at the University of Heidelberg (1975-76). 1976-1979: Research grant by the German Research Foundation (D.F.G.) for the habilitation thesis; scientific employee in Regensburg: 1980-1981. 1981: Habilitation (Dr. Phil. Habil.) in General Linguistics at the University of Regensburg. Since 1981: Professor of German and General Linguistics at the University of Bremen. Since March 2009, professor emeritus.
Major scientific activities and invitations: Since 1984-2009: Member of the Center for the Philosophical Foundations of the Sciences at the University of Bremen. 1987: Visiting scholar at the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES) in Paris. 1988: Visiting scholar at the Institute of Cognitive Studies in Berkeley (U.S.A). 1995: Guest professor at the Center of Semiotics in Aarhus (Denmark). 1998/1999: Visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen and the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Research in Evolution and Cognition in Altenberg/Vienna: Visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig. October 2003: Visiting scholar at the Aichi University (Japan). July 2005: Organization of an Int. Conference on Catastrophe and Semiosis in Urbino (Italy). September 2006: Organization of an Int. Conference on Meta-Representation in Bremen. October 2007: Visiting scholar at the Case Western Reserve University, Department of Cognitive Sciences, Cleveland (U.S.A.), February to March 2009: Visiting scholar at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New-Delhi and the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore); March to April 2009: Visiting Scholar at the University of Technology, Sydney and Monash University, Melbourne.
Recent book publications: 2013. Visuelle Semiotik. Die Entfaltung des Sichtbaren. Vom Höhlenbild bis zur modernen Stadt; 2018, Musiksemiotik: Musikalische Zeichen, Kognition und Sprache; 2021. Mythos und Religion. Semiotik der Transzendenz; 2023. Morphogenesis of Symbolic Forms: Meaning in Music, Art, Religion, and Language.

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Wolfgang Wildgen
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